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Focus Content Development Downloads

Tools provided to help resellers or affiliates develop and deploy 3D Inspection packages that include custom content. See

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This utility streamlines development and certification process for bundled product content. Download and unzip the Focus Deployment wizard to a folder of your choice. Then run the .exe in the unzipped folder

Building your Projects:
1. Make sure all the data files for your product are together in the same folder. If developed your product using a separate focus data folder as suggested, that folder is fine.

2. After installing the Focus Deployment wizard, run the .exe to launch it and follow the wizard to select items needed for the product. This creates a nice project file with your selections that can be reopened, updated, and rebuilt at any time.

The wizard is smart, in that it automatically finds any files attached to the Actions file you select (as long as they are in the same folder) so you don't have to bother selecting them manually. Also the wizard automatically adds "Install" in front of Actions or Form files if needed, so you no longer have to worry about doing that manually. And it will notify or warn you about any items that may need your attention.

3. Simply Finish your project to create a file for your project. Afterward, you may open the file if desired to see the items you included in the project. If anything is missing, just use the wizard to reopen your project, add or adjust them, and rebuild.

Once you've set up a project, you'll be able to use the wizard to manage it, and quickly adjust it any time to update your content for submission. This also gives you master control over the data that is sent to us, verified, and included in your product.